Saturday, February 28, 2009

Currency Swing Trading - Why Novices Can Build Big Profits With This Method

Currency swing trading is the perfect method for a novice to use because it overcomes the main barrier that most traders have when trying to achieve currency trading success...

It overcomes the problem of discipline. Most traders lack discipline and it's the big difference between success and failure and swing trading requires very little as profits and losses come quickly. It also overcomes the impatience of most traders who like to trade.

Before we continue you might say well, forex day trading requires even less because the moves are shorter but the problem you have with day trading is it simply doesn't work.


Because all moves within a day are random and you can never get the odds on your side and you will eventually lose.

You get a lot of vendors telling you that you can make money day trading but look at their track records - there all simulations in hindsight and that means nothing.

Swing trading is easier than long term trend following from both a discipline point of view and a patience point of view but can be just as profitable.

You're Aim

You are looking for reactions within the major trends when prices get over bought and oversold and trading into these levels and a swing trading based upon the following will work.

You simply need to use trend lines and Bollinger Bands - the latter tells you the volatility and is a great tool. Check our other articles for more details. When prices become overbought and oversold and testing resistance or support you have a potential trade.

Confirm the Move

Before it gets to this level you need to check the strength of price it should weaken into resistance and strengthen into support ( never guess always wait for confirmation), you check the strength of price with momentum oscillators and two great ones to use are the stochastic and RSI.

You're Stop

If they support your view you trade and your stop goes behind the support or resistance level tested.

Hit and Run

You should take your profit early and not trail a stop and your profit should be taken in when the price moves toward the next level of support or resistance. Currency swing trading profits disappear quickly, so you simply take them early or "hit and run and bank"

Simple but Effective

Now the above is a simple currency swing trading system I have used for 20 years or so and it's worked well for me and can for you and you can pile up triple digit profits. Don't be put off by its simplicity all the best systems are and this means they are robust with fewer elements to break.

You can learn to swing trade in a week or so and it will take you less than 30 minutes to apply. It's fun, exciting and can and does make big profits - try swing trading and you maybe glad you did.


For free 2 x trading Pdf's, with 50 of pages of essential info on Currency Swing Trading visit our website at:

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